Latest Episodes
Breast Cancer Symptoms
Learn about the symptoms of breast cancer and how you can find masses, as well as other changes, in your breast that may missed...
What is the BRCA Gene?
There are some women that are at the highest risk to develop breast cancer. These women tend to have a hereditary form of breast....
What Causes Breast Cancer?
There are some things that cause certain women to be more at risk for breast cancer than others. Some of the things we can...
Age and Breast Cancer Risk
Breast cancer risk increases with age, yet even women in their 20s and 30s have some risk of breast cancer. Find out more about...
Do I Need a Breast Biopsy?
When your doctor tells you that your mammogram is “positive” or “abnormal,” negative emotions and thoughts may flood your mind. Yet, take a step...
What Does My Mammogram Result Mean?
It is not enough to know if you have a "negative" or "positive" mammogram result. You need to know you BIRADS score. In this...